As Personal Life Coach I make use of certified psychological concepts and methodologies (such as mBIT, NLP and Compass) to support and to steer youth, adults, older people, managers and directors , whereby I always strive after gaining optimal insight and sustainable results.
Compass Coaching is focused on personal growth, recovery and behavioural change, but is mostly meant to provide you with insight in your own functioning. Your objective, help request and situation is always key in this.
This behavioural changing method is suitable for you if:
During the Coaching process you will find what your values and goals are, what motivates you, how you perform, where your blockades are and what your points of development are.
You will start to recognize yourself, which will enable you to change your behaviour by insight and awareness about the dynamic effect of your brain.
Make the choice for customized Compass Coaching op and determine the course of your life!
As Personal Life Coach, I am also certified for the NLP and mBIT method , besides Compass!